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MUL              Multiply, Unsigned                  Flags: O D I T S Z A P C
                                                            *       ? ? ? ? *
MUL source

          Logic:    AX . source * AL             ; if source is a byte
                    DX:AX = source * AX          ; if source is a word

    MUL performs unsigned multiplication. If source is a byte, MUL
    multiplies source by AL, returning the product in AX. If source is a
    word, MUL multiplies source by AX, returning the product in DX:AX. The
    Carry and Overflow flags are set if the upper half of the result (AH
    for a byte source, DX for a word source) contains any significant
    digits of the product, otherwise they are cleared. The 80386 can
    handle 64-bit multiplications in the same way, but uses the EDX:EAX
    register pair.

   Operands                  Clocks   Transfers  Bytes   Example
   reg8                      70-77        -        2     MUL CH
   reg16                    118-133       -        2     MUL BX
   mem8                   (76-83) + EA    1       2-4    MUL A_BYTE
   mem16                 (128-143) + EA   1       2-4    MUL A_WORD

See Also: IMUL AAM EA Flags
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